Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Face of a Little Girl

I found this song today. Listened to it weeping and clutching my heart because it so perfectly speaks what I am feeling right now. I have never longed for heaven so much as I do now that I know it is the only place I will get any of these things he talks about in the song.

I never even got a good look at the face of my little girl. I have no pictures either. I can't wait to get to heaven and see those beautiful brown eyes and hold her precious little hand and kiss her sweet cheeks. As Paul said, "to live is Christ and to die is gain." But I know God is not finished with me yet. He has plans for me here still. I have a June Bug who needs her Mama. So I will make the most of my sojourn on Earth, all the while longing for the day I will be with my baby girl again.


  1. Hi, I saw your recent comment at Jenny Lawson's place, and felt compelled to follow the links back here. I am truly and extremely so very sorry for your loss. As a mother myself, I can only imagine your immense pain.

    Even though we come from different backgrounds, and name our belief systems differently, I can see that we are much alike in our spirituality. I recently came across this video, and thought of you again.

    (If it doesn't come through as a link, as sometimes happens, just go to Christina Simonds' website and look for her Virtue Angel video, it's on her blog page from January 1 2013)

    Be well, love that June Bug, hug your husband, and know that these lessons which seem the hardest are ones we need the most.

  2. I just found your blog today. I also lost my second child this year. He was stillborn at birth at 39 1/2 weeks. I also am a Christian and have a blog about my son Nathaniel, his legacy, and our journey through grief.

    I don't know if you know this, but Steven Curtis Chapman lost his adopted daughter a few years ago. She was five or six and was hit by a car in their driveway by one of his older children who didn't see her as they were backing out. The song you posted is one he wrote after she died.


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