A messenger. Do I have enough courage to be a messenger? One who might be used to bring messages of hope and healing to others? Will I go out on that limb and put myself out there in order to help others to know they are not alone?
Since Mikayla went to heaven, I have felt the desire to do something for other mothers who will most assuredly walk this horrible path after me. I want to comfort others with the same comfort I have received.
I haven't figured out the best way to go about it, but I do feel like there should be something for our local hospital to give to families to take home when they can't take home their precious babies. I was given nothing, and had to seek out resources on my own. Thankfully I found them, but how wonderful it would be to have been given a packet of them all at once.
I am not typically the organizer or go-getter. I am generally more content to sit in the sidelines and cheer on others, or help behind the scenes. But I feel like there aren't others to cheer or help right now, so maybe I need to be the one to rally some troops, to get the message out that there is a need to be filled. A need for mothers to not leave the hospital full of regrets and empty arms, but rather full of memories and recognition that their precious child lived and mattered and matters still.
A friend posted something on Facebook today about her business looking for causes or charities to raise money for. Maybe if I email her, that can be the beginning of something beautiful and healing for local loss moms. What am I afraid of?
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. I have a chance to bring a message of hope and compassion to those facing the most difficult days of their lives. So what is holding me back?
P.s. I would love to hear some ideas in the comments section of what could be included in some type of packet for parents who experience miscarriage, stillbirth, or newborn loss. I was thinking maybe a teddy bear, baby blanket, brochure of local and on-line grief and loss resources, etc?
Don't hold back- you are needed to help others. Love your ideas, what a thoughtful way to help others who are hurting. Step forward and let us know when you do.:)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the encouragement! I will keep the blog updated :)
DeleteWhat a God Sized Dream you have been given! I am impressed with your raw-honesty. I started blogging during my own bout with post partum depression...and I HAD a baby to take home. I pray for your sweet sister...found your link on the FMF. I will pray for your journey through loss, love, etc. God is with you always...pray through this, and be bold to share your story and encourage other moms.
ReplyDeleteI would recommend a pamphlet maybe with support groups/blogs/encouraging prayers with scripture?! Not sure if the hospital would allow...but they would if it was a Christian one/optional!? Come alongside us God Sized Dreamers...we blog...we pray...we act on our dreams: http://godsizeddreams.com/
Holley Gerth's books would be an idea too for something to give mom's to encourage their hearts.
Thank you both for your prayers and your ideas!
DeleteThank you for letting others in on your story so that we can pray for you. This post was beautifully written and inspiring. I'm moved by your desire to take your hurt and turn it into something encouraging for others who have the same pain. What if mothers who have had this experience make a baby blanket and pass it on. So that when a mother just finds out that she's had a miscarriage, she can take home the blanket made by someone else who knows. Really knows. Maybe it would help her to not feel so alone...have something to hold...wrap up in... It could be knit, crocheted, or even just fleece and tied with knots.
ReplyDeleteJust an idea. Thanks again for sharing this! FmF
I like that idea - thanks for the encouragement!
DeleteI have not walked this road, but I want to encourage you in your endeavors. This is a wonderful thing you are doing, and I know anything you do for others will be such a blessing to them. I pray for you as you continue this journey.
ReplyDeleteI think that those of us that have hope in the terrible situation we are in need to share it with others. So many who have gone through the loss of a child are so hopeless. That's a big reason that I started my blog - NathanielsLegacy.blogspot.com. God has given me hope and peace. I needed to share it.
ReplyDeleteI did receive a bunch of stuff from the hospital when we lost Nathaniel. We got a memory box, a couple of handmade blankets, a stuffed lamb, brochures about grief, information about support groups, and a few books.
Since I have made hats and blankets and donated them to our hospital. Another mom in our hospital support group makes gift bags with a lamb and the book Mommy Please Don't Cry and a note.
Maybe include a list of some helpful websites and information about how to find help for family members. That has been our greatest struggle, help for children and grandparents for the loss of a baby. http://starlegacyfoundation.org has a section for resources for families and friends. There is a lot out there. Finding it is the problem.
I just attended the Stillbirth Summit. I got lots of information about grief and resources. I will probably add a page to my blog with lists of where to find information.
Thank you for your comment! I am so sorry to hear of your loss, but thankful that you are willing to share your hope with others! Thank you for the ideas as well.