10 things about me:
1. What are you reading right now? I have always been a voracious reader, and as a child often had 3-4 stories going at once. For a few years there I wasn't reading very much anymore except online, but now that I have a Kindle (and found Bookbub) I find myself in the middle of several books at once again :). Currently reading A Place of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada, Apron Strings by Mary Morony, and just started The Stolen Kingdom by Ross Rosenfield.
2. Hobbies? Other than reading, I enjoy scrap-booking, card-making, sewing, pretty much anything craftsy
3. What is your favorite food? Ice Cream. Yes, I am serious. No, I won't choose a grown-up food.
4.What have you been procrastinating on? Oh my, what a question! What am I NOT procrastinating on? I guess the biggest right now would be cleaning out my closet that desperately needs it.
5. What is your perfect idea of a night out? Pizza and lemonade eaten on a blanket on the beach watching the sunset, followed by ice cream and a snuggle in a hammock.
6. What is your perfect idea of a night in? Curled up in a big comfy chair with a great book and good cup of coffee reading until 3am (after which I get to sleep in until 11) while the husband takes care of June Bug and all the housework. A girl can dream, right?
7. Any bad habits? See #4. Also, I spend too much time on the internet.
8. What is your favorite color? My favorite colors are green and blue. Blue like a summer sky, and deep dark green like Christmas trees.
9. What is a strange fact about you? If I total up all the houses/apartments/trailers/etc. I have lived in and divide it by my age, it would be less than one. My record for keeping one dwelling place is 3.5 years.
10. What are you passionate about? This is an easy one, and hopefully it has shown already on my blog. I am passionate about Jesus, and the hope and love that He has poured out into my life, and I am passionately pursuing more bravery to share Him more readily with others.
My hope is that my grief will not define me, but that I can say as Paul says, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
Still Standing in Memory of Mikayla Sophie, born still April 13, 2014
Still Standing in Memory of Mikayla Sophie, born still April 13, 2014
Thank you for sharing! I found you through the link-up and had to visit.
ReplyDeleteI love that you fully own ice cream as your favorite food! No shame in that! :)